
Blooms Taxonomy…Pedagogical framework of UoW

Blooms Taxonomy…Pedagogical framework of UoW

When I came across this image I thought I needed to share with my fellow EDC3100 students. What a great image to see what technology can be incorporated through Blooms. I am using Blooms Taxonomy as my pedagogical framework for the unit of work I completing for year 5 english on fantasy novels.

Assignment 2 preparation


Well I am running a little behind given a death in the family and needing to make up hours working. All challenges that we need to deal with when being a mature aged student.  However reality is I just haven’t been blogging as much as is required of this assignment. My focus has been on finishing the content.

Learning Area = English – “A Flight of Fantasy”

Year level = 5

Learning Objectives:Recognise that ideas in literary texts can be conveyed from different viewpoints, which can lead to different kinds of interpretations and responses (ACELT1610)

Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experienced (ACELT1612)

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audience (ACELY1704)

Use a range of software including word processing programs with fluency to construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and place visual, print and audio elements(ACELY1707)

These objectives have been taken from the Australian Curriculum Year 5 English.

A big thank you to David Jones and the EDC3100 team


Just to be clear I am not chasing brownie points 🙂

I have to thank the Edc3100 team as this subject flows so well for me to pick up from exactly where I left off, but not only that, I can see the progression in the teaching. I have just had my aha moment and wanted to share that with everyone.

Cudos David Jones and team for making this subject not only enjoyable and at times frustrating, but for the sequential learning that you have put in place. Cheers!!!

When life takes hold…

What a hectic few weeks I have had. My life has been turn upside down with the loss of my uncle to cancer, the end of term craziness and the need to stop before I burn out.

The creation of this blog was to blog weekly about the trials and tribulations in a Uni subject. Unfortunately that hasn’t happened as Uni has been the furtherest thing from my mind. Due to this I now need to play catch up for what I have missed.

However there have been lessons learnt that are invaluable life lessons which will only help me grow and no matter how much ICT is available sometimes it’s better not to share all life’s lessons.

The strongest people are sent the most challenges as they have the strength to cope

Storybird and the fox…

Today at school I decided I would implement one of the program’s I’ve been looking at. I am a teacher aide and assist in year 2. I work with one little child and we are creating potions. The child couldn’t grasp the potion concept but loves foxes. So I got this child to choose a picture and write a sentence. It is very basic but I am proud. Here is the link


It helps to talk out loud…PLN

Last week I spent a day assisting at a school touch carnival.  iPad in hand I was sitting doing the recording of statistics and the announcer who is Head of PE at a school was interested in what I was reading.  Funnily enough I was reading course content for EDC3100.  We had a chat for a bit and we were able to share different apps that he had come across and I was able to do the same for him.  This has opened my PLN to include this teacher in my twitter followers plus others such as The PE Geeks.

Twitter is working for me, if only I knew how to use it to its full potential…

Reflection on week deux



After trying to spend the day catching up I have had the chance to read some of my fellow bloggers and this particular blog caught my eye – ICT’s in the classroom blog.  What I like is the quote and the reflection of the weekly tasks.

I can relate to what it is saying as I have had a week like this.  At my lowest point I came across this quote and it turned my week around.  I need to be able to step out of my comfort zone and learn new things.  What I am loving about this course is that I get to do this.  I am finding it very exciting learning new technology and thinking about how I can implement into my class when I am teaching.  There are so many ideas out there.  Some will work and some won’t.  What I do hope, is that I will get the chance to implement some of these.

Lesson learnt – I can now appreciate why there is a requirement to have a password manager.  I must admit I ignored this option as I was afraid that this could be hacked and then I would lose my passwords.  This week saw me implement a password manager just so I had all passwords in one central location.  All I did was a google search and ROBO form came up as an option for Apple. I did some research and settled with this.  Phew what a relief….I am feeling better now.

Assignment 1 – Concept Map

As I finally get some time to sit down and brain storm for my assignment, I have finally been able to create a concept map for it.  I actually found this difficult to do on a computer initially, but in the end all the ideas just kept coming.Image


Creating a concept map is not something I would normally do for an assignment.  However it is something that has helped me sort my thoughts and make them clearer.  I am not sure if I have what I need here to complete my assignment.  The way I look at this concept map is that it will remain a ‘live’ document and I can add and delete as I have more ideas or clarify where I want to go with my ideas.

To create my concept map I used exam time


Wow, this is the way to go for all those busy teachers. Plan on the go!! Thank you Alison Jackman for sharing

ICT's in the classroom with Mrs Brown


This app was recommended by Alison Jackson check out her blog she has great ideas to share. Thank you. This is an example of how social networking is essential for improving the success of teaching in the classroom.

Click here to download the app on iPhone or iPad and start  planning on the go!

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