Oh dear what a lesson!! It wasn’t good 😦

We have moved on to an assessment piece for English. We are only one week into the unit. I hadn’t been given the assessment piece until end of last week and what I taught last week had very little connection to the assessment.

There were sections that I taught, like language features, that gave some scaffolding but not enough (in my opinion) to start an assessment piece.

So here I am Monday first session trying to guide year 4 students through an assessment piece. The response was blank faces, I was floundering, I didn’t know where to go or what to do. I could of danced around like a clown and the kids would still look blankly at me.

I just wanted to change the subject….but I couldn’t. I had to deal with it the best I could.

My lesson learnt was scaffolding is so very important and when in place success is achieved.